Freenom Ülevaated ja Eksperdi Arvamus - 2024

Freenom Review

Ekspertide ja kasutajate ülevaated Freenom klientidelt:

Founded in the Netherlands, Freenom is the world's first supplier of free domain services and has gained popularity around the globe, particularly in the USA, Europe, Russia, and China. In the context of domain registration, it represents affordability and innovation.

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Does Freenom offer a web hosting plan?

Freenom is a company that mainly focuses on providing free or low-cost domains. However, the company included one Reseller Hosting plan for the most affordable price I’ve seen (a deposit of $10), but they don’t pay much attention to it.

What is an affordable price for popular domain extensions?

Some of the most popular domain extensions that are used worldwide are COM, NET, ORG, BIZ, and INFO. The average pricing for these domains varies between $9 and $12/year. However, Freenom offers them a lot cheaper and doesn’t increase the renewal prices.

Why does Freenom even provide free domains?

This company understood the world economics and the market requests, so it decided that it was better to offer free domains for some extensions and put the other domain extensions at an affordable price. However, Freenom receives money from high-profile companies, such as Twitter.

How long does Freenom take to activate my domain?

Unfortunately, your domain might not be immediately active. Freenom takes about 72 hours to activate your domain, so as soon as you receive a confirmation email, you can use it. Keep in mind that you can also immediately get your domain.

Where is Freenom located?

Freenom is a Netherland-based domain company that is nowadays globally expanded (the USA, Europe, China, and Russia), and it provides free domain names for its customers.

What domain extensions can I get for free?

The customers can get CF, GA, GQ, ML, and TK for free. There aren’t any renewal fees, or even if you decide to migrate a domain with some of these extensions, you won’t pay any additional costs.

How many domains can I get with Freenom?

A single Freenom transaction allows you up to 10 domains. But if you use the Freenom API feature, you can get unlimited domains.

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Külasta lehekülge Saadaolevad kupongid 2 pakub professionaalseid ülevaateid veebihostingu teemadel, mis on täielikult sõltumatud mistahes muust üksusest. Meie ülevaated on erapooletud, ausad ja rakendavad samu hindamisstandardeid kõigile ühtemoodi. Kuigi mõnedelt saidil nimetatud firmadelt on saadud rahalist kompensatsiooni, ei avalda toodete ja teenuste kompensatsioon mõju meie ülevaadete suunale ja kokkuvõtetele. Samuti ei mõjuta kompensatsioon kuidagi teatud hostingufirmade järjestust. See kompensatsioon katab konto soetamise ja testimise kulusid ning ülevaadete kirjutajatele makstava honorari.
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