Ekspertide ja kasutajate ülevaated ExtraVM LLC klientidelt:
ExtraVM (Delware #6623925) was started in 2014 and was created to offer affordable DDoS protected VPS around the world while offering servers on high performance hardware. As of 2022 we primarily use newer Ryzen processors with datacenter grade NVMe drives, and refresh our plans with newer hardware every year or two. Plans start at $5.00/m in most locations, but some start as l...
I have been using various services from ExtraVM consistently for two and a half years now. By and large, their offerings are quite competitive in both pricing and performance. Like any provider, there are bouts of network reliability issues every now and then, but there are largely no issues and support is fantastic. It seems like they're always trying to find some ways to improve or expand their service, which is very nice. Highly recommend!
HostAdvice.com pakub professionaalseid ülevaateid veebihostingu teemadel, mis on täielikult sõltumatud mistahes muust üksusest. Meie ülevaated on erapooletud, ausad ja rakendavad samu hindamisstandardeid kõigile ühtemoodi.Kuigi mõnedelt saidil nimetatud firmadelt on saadud rahalist kompensatsiooni, ei avalda toodete ja teenuste kompensatsioon mõju meie ülevaadete suunale ja kokkuvõtetele. Samuti ei mõjuta kompensatsioon kuidagi teatud hostingufirmade järjestust.See kompensatsioon katab konto soetamise ja testimise kulusid ning ülevaadete kirjutajatele makstava honorari.