Ekspertide ja kasutajate ülevaated Stream101 klientidelt:
We operate only the highest quality servers, with low utilization and a low number of clients on each server. In addition, we use the highest quality bandwidth with a 99.99% SLA included. Our customer service has been recognized as one of the best in the Web Hosting and Streaming industry. We're friendly, approachable, and honest. We don't want to rip you off, we want to EARN y...
I spent a few day's looking at various alternative providers that could cover my needs. I needed to move from a VPS to a cheaper solution as my sites no longer have much traffic. I had never heard of Stream101 before, but I found a few recommendations. So I gave it a go. The support-staff was very helpful and pro-active to move my sites from the old server. 100% uptime so far, and no problems at all (been with them for just over a month now).
My favourite hosts are one I never have to log into. this is one of them
I dont remember the last time I logged into there billing/support. With automated payments and reliable servers, Im all set. II have been here for over 18 months now
We're glad you have had a great experience with us! Just remember we do have great billing, sales, and support staff if you do ever need to contact us!
Pros: • Fantastic and friendly support • Extremely easy and fun to use • You can't get anything better than stream101 for the price.Cons: • A little more updating on social media (for any outages/site maintenance) would be welcomed.
Thanks for the advise. I think we have definitely improved on the social media front, but wanted to introduce a new system to everyone for our outage and maintenance events: https://status.stream101.com
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