It's come to our attention that GOSU CLOUD LTD has ceased operations. The landscape of service providers is ever-changing, and we aim to keep you informed. To ensure you find a reliable alternative, we invite you to visit our homepage showcasing our top 10 providers.
GOSU CLOUD LTD best alternatives
1 Best Overall
Probleemivaba ja riskivaba 30-päevane raha tagasi garantii
Kõik-ühes veebi majutus koos ööpäevaringse tehnilise toe jaoks 24/7/365
Tasuta SSL, tasuta üleviimine, automaatne skripti installija, ühe klõpsuga WordPressi installimine ja varundamine
I don't like the support and i have made a ticket because i don't get any clue how to connect my domain name and their dns servers even they didn't published it
We do include the information in the hosting activation email, also, you can find out dns servers on the hosting management page in your client portal.
This review is false and biased. This service provider is totally scam. I have paid for its service and can not use anything. I request refund but it refuse blatantly.
Sorry, since you have put the payment to CANCELLED, the automation system thinks you would like to cancel the order so it was cancelled, also, we do clarify on the promotion page, that we won't offer refund on protional service, also our support crew did ask you if you would like to re-activate the service, but your respond is "YOU ARE SCAM CLEARLY. SHUT DOWN YOUR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. GO TO HELL". pakub professionaalseid ülevaateid veebihostingu teemadel, mis on täielikult sõltumatud mistahes muust üksusest. Meie ülevaated on erapooletud, ausad ja rakendavad samu hindamisstandardeid kõigile ühtemoodi.Kuigi mõnedelt saidil nimetatud firmadelt on saadud rahalist kompensatsiooni, ei avalda toodete ja teenuste kompensatsioon mõju meie ülevaadete suunale ja kokkuvõtetele. Samuti ei mõjuta kompensatsioon kuidagi teatud hostingufirmade järjestust.See kompensatsioon katab konto soetamise ja testimise kulusid ning ülevaadete kirjutajatele makstava honorari.