Ekspertide ja kasutajate ülevaated City Network klientidelt:
City Network is a leading provider of infrastructure services in Europe with over 30 000 customers and data centers in 27 locations around the world.
We provide public, private and hybrid cloud solutions based on OpenStack and are certified according to ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 27015 and 27018 – internationally recognised standards for quality, information security and sustai...
I didn't need anything too fancy, but I got all the extras I could ever ask for when I signed up with this company. They are very affordable at just $8 per month, and the site loads really fast. I was worried that the low price would mean they are overselling their servers, but that is clearly not the case. I think this is one of the best hosting companies in Sweden.
I'm thrilled with the level of service I get from this company. THey do cost a lot of money, but it is worth it for the added speed and stability that I just can't find anywhere else in Sweden. I will likely stay with this company for a long time because they know how to keep their customers happy.
HostAdvice.com pakub professionaalseid ülevaateid veebihostingu teemadel, mis on täielikult sõltumatud mistahes muust üksusest. Meie ülevaated on erapooletud, ausad ja rakendavad samu hindamisstandardeid kõigile ühtemoodi.Kuigi mõnedelt saidil nimetatud firmadelt on saadud rahalist kompensatsiooni, ei avalda toodete ja teenuste kompensatsioon mõju meie ülevaadete suunale ja kokkuvõtetele. Samuti ei mõjuta kompensatsioon kuidagi teatud hostingufirmade järjestust.See kompensatsioon katab konto soetamise ja testimise kulusid ning ülevaadete kirjutajatele makstava honorari.